​To make sure our studio is a good match for you, please look at our studio Instagram and our Artists' individual Instagram profiles to see the style of tattoos we do:
Send your tattoo enquiry using the template below to: info@ktrewtattoo.com
Email Template
Can you let me know when your next available appointments are please? I’m generally free on weekends/wednesdays/afternoons but can take time off if necessary to be flexible.
I would like to get a fineline/bold/traditional/black & grey/linework only/colour tattoo of a rose. It would go on my left/right inner forearm.
I’ve attached a reference picture from your Instagram that best fits the style I like and a couple of other pictures showing placement/style. *Please no more than 3 references
I’ve attached a very rough doodle of my idea!
I’ve also attached a photo of the area I'd like to get tattooed, with a rough shape and measurements drawn on, to show coverage/shape/placement/existing tattoos to cover up/work around/scarring.
**Please ask someone else to take a photo of you from 1-2 metres away in good daylight - see example below.
I understand that a custom design will be created for me, based on my references, rather than a copy.
In terms of size, the tattoo would be roughly 4 inches tall and x 3 inches wide. I’m open to sizing advice and recommendations from the artist.
Please send me a quote and your next availability.
Body Placement Photo
Draw your measurements on the photo and circle the exact spot where you would like the tattoo. It's best to take the photo in good light and get someone else to take the photo for you.

Tattoo Style Photo
Look under one of our artists' Instagram pages or search via Google. It's best to send us a couple of photos that are the same style so we can determine accurately what you're looking for style-wise.

We aim to respond in 5 working days.
Note: If you're still waiting for a response from us after 5 working days, please check your spam folder.
Find us here:
The tattoo studio is situated inside The Jubilee Centre building, by the small roundabout on the map.
The main entrance is next to Naj & Sam's Flowers.
Weekdays: Please call us and wait in reception. Don't press the buzzer or tailgate others into the building.
Weekends: Please call us and wait by the wooden door.
KTREW Tattoo Studio
The Jubilee Centre
130 Pershore Street
B5 6ND